There are about 3 acres of blackberries on property. Fresh blackberry juice has become a summer favorite of our Artistic Director.

There is a small pond on property. It provides water for a diverse group of wildlife, including three patches of lotus flower.

The Autumn Olive is an invasive species that is prolific on the property. It has an edible berry and seed. It is bitter and flavorful and it ripens in the late summer/early fall. They remind me of the Apples from Wes Anderson's adaptation of "Fantastic Mr. Fox"

Last year for Summer Solstice we planted a willow circle. After the trees get more establishes we hope to begin to weave them together to create a natural dome.

A sculptural dialogue between maple and man. This project was a part of a creative play between Katherine Brines and Benjamin Cheney.
An image of the sunset on the first evening of living in the residency house to begin preparing for the summer season.
We had a heavy freezing rain this winter. Something that is not a common occurrence in the northern lower peninsula of Michigan. This image is of a pincher bud on property.
This is an imager of the property in the winter sun after an icestorm. All of the trees glistening in the Midwinter sun.

This is the view from the Artist Shed window at a time when it is too cold to doodle inside it.